
Highest consulting quality - an unconditional obligation

Audit and tax consulting firms are subject to high quality standards, Furthermore, legislators and representatives of the profession, are constantly raising the bar when it comes to such standards. In order to meet these high demands, we regularly undergo external quality control and we have also implemented an internal quality management system.

External quality control

In the area of auditing, we have been subject to independent quality control since 2005.This has been carried out under the supervision of the Chamber of Auditors. ATC has successfully completed regular peer reviews in 2005, 2011 and 2018.

The high level of our services provided as well as the high level of education and training of our employees were particularly positively emphasized. For us, this is exceptional confirmation of the fact that we rightly regard our extensive training programs as one of the most important cornerstones of our work.

Internal quality control

Our quality management system is based on the quality standards of the Chamber of Tax Consultants and the Chamber of Auditors. We have set up the system in such a way that it enables us to perform both with high quality and at the same time efficiency. Our focus is on being able to react in an agile and flexible manner to individual client wishes, new legal requirements or technical standards.

Our quality management and process representatives continuously review and optimize the system. They regularly train our employees and monitor compliance with the quality standards in our firm.

In addition, we ensure that our employees are able to meet the high demands of our industry in an outstanding manner by providing them with continuous training and further education.

ATC – responsible, passionate, innovative.

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