
International consulting quality with Morison Global

Whether you are a mid-sized company operating throughout Germany or a multinational global player: In order to be able to provide you with excellent consulting services anywhere in the world, we have joined the global association of leading professional service firms, Morison Global.


Morison Global

Morison Global is an international association of independent auditors, tax consultants, lawyers and consulting firms. At more than 150 locations worldwide - of which 18 are in Germany - Morison Global offers its members and their clients first-class consulting services.

Since our clients are generally active both across Germany’s regional borders as well as internationally, we joined Morison Global over 10 years ago. We are therefore in a position to put you in touch with the best law firms and consultancies worldwide if required - a great advantage especially when it comes to the complex cross-border aspects of auditing, tax consultancy and management consultancy.


ATC – responsible, passionate, innovative.

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