Career at ATC - get to know us.

We offer you more than just a well-paid job. As an auditing and tax law firm with a modern corporate culture, we focus on long-term perspectives, personal development, personal responsibility and a respectful approach to daily interaction.

to the job offers

digitale kanzlei

> 80



Cups of coffee / day

32 kg

Fruit a week

< 5 %

Working with paper

8 Min

To the world clock


Good reasons for ATC

We offer more than just a job



The majority of our employees have been with us for many years. We are particularly pleased about this, because their loyalty expresses appreciation for the respect we show each other every single day: valuing and supporting each other, shoulder-to-shoulder loyalty - through all levels of the firm.



People are most satisfied when they can develop their talents. We therefore offer extensive individual training and coaching. Experienced employees act as personal mentors to newer colleagues, ensuring that everyone can grow according to their own personal strengths.



Whether self-learning databases, automated accounting or tax app: we use the latest technologies in our office. How exciting the future of the industry is - our clients and employees experience it with us every day.


Work-life balance

Whether home office, part-time or sabbatical: We rely on independence and personal responsibility in the organization of work hours, because we know that in doing so we support the most valuable thing: the well-being of our employees - and thus their enjoyment of their work.



From yoga and other joint leisure activities to personal mentors: We do a lot to ensure that our employees feel individually encouraged, valued and completely comfortable.

Individual career advancement and personal responsibility

In our experience, satisfied employees are the most important factor in the sustainable development of a law firm, because only what you like to do will become really good. And only those who feel supported rather than overchallenged- or underchallenged are happy to work for the success of the firm.

Therefore, the professional development opportunities of our employees are particularly important to us. We have developed a comprehensive mentoring system for this purpose: Experienced employees act as personal mentors to newer colleagues, taking responsibility to ensure that everyone can develop according to their strengths. By the way, if you are interested, you can also train your soft skills, because they are more than just the icing on the cake to provide good business advice.

Time and again we find that individual support creates a special sense of personal responsibility and team responsibility. For example, when flexible work hours allow professional and private needs to be reconciled: It is precisely these personal liberties that makes employees feel particularly committed to reliable teamwork.

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FAQ for application to ATC

Please apply via our application portal Personio.
You can upload all documents there in an uncomplicated manner and in compliance with data protection regulations. After submitting your application, you will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt.

Our human relations team

Do you have any questions? Please feel free to call us.
We are looking forward to receiving your application and would be pleased to get to know you! Here you can find more information about the application process.

Nadine Riedel
HR Manager
+49 (30) 20 64 151-77
Silke Probst
HR Assistant
+49 30 20 64 151-78

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